所在教研室/单位: 中山大学人类病毒学研究所
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通信地址: 广州市越秀区中山二路74号博彩公司排名 科技综合楼603
张桂根 副教授 课题组长、博士生导师
2016年毕业于德国汉诺威医学院(summa cum laude,最高荣誉), 获得Ph.D. prize。同年受北大-清华生命科学联合中心(CLS)优秀博士后基金资助,加入北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC)从事基因组编辑与病毒学交叉方向博士后研究。2019.10月作为中山大学“百人计划”引进人才,加入博彩公司排名-博彩公司评级 建立独立实验室。入选广东省重大人才计划-青年拔尖人才项目。
埃可病毒等肠道病毒感染能够引起新生儿病毒性脑炎等,严重者死亡。基于膜蛋白文库的CRISPR高通量筛选策略,与合作者一起,发现人新生儿Fc受体(FcRn)是大部分病毒肠道病毒的受体,并揭示了受体FcRn介导病毒进入细胞的分子机制。该项工作以共同第一作者发表于Cell 杂志,获2019年度中国医学重大进展(基础医学)。
基于CRISPR全基因组筛选,发现E3泛素连接酶TRIM26是HCV的种属特异性宿主因子。与合作者一起,揭示TRIM26参与决定HCV专性感染高等灵长类,而不能感染啮齿类等动物的分子机制(Science Advances, 2021)。
卡波氏肉瘤疱疹病毒(KSHV)能够在人体终生潜伏感染。潜伏相关核抗原 (LANA)同时结合病毒基因组和人的染色体,从而将病毒基因组锚定到人染色体,随同染色体一起分裂。LANA在翻译阶段可以使用不同的翻译起始位点,形成截短的 LANA蛋白分子,并且定位于细胞质中。截短的 LANA拮抗cGAS功能,从而抑制干扰素反应,该部分工作以第一作者发表于2016年PNAS杂志。
1) Zhao X*, Zhang G*, Liu S*, Chen X*, ..., Xie Z#, Wei W#, Gao GF# Human Neonatal Fc Receptor Is the Cellular Uncoating Receptor for Enterovirus B. Cell. 2019, 30;177(6):1553- 1565.e16 (*co-first author, #corresponding author)
2) Zheng N, Liu S, Chen J, Xu Y, Cao W, Lin J, Lu G, Zhang G#. SARS-CoV-2 NSP2 as a Potential Delivery Vehicle for Proteins, Mol Pharm. 2024 (#corresponding author)
3) Liang Y*, Zhang G* #, Li Q*, ...Wei W#, Zhong J#, TRIM26 is a critical host factor for HCV replication and contributes to host tropism, Science Advances, 2021, 7(2) eabd9732 (*co-first author, #corresponding author)
4) Shen D*, Zhang G*,... Liu Z#, Bu Z#, Zhao D#. Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screen identifies TMEM239 as a crucial host factor in facilitating African Swine Fever Virus entry into early endosome, PLoS Pathogens, 2024 (*co-first author, #corresponding author)
5) Zhang G., Chan B., Samarina N., Abere B., Weidner-Glunde M., Buch A., Pich A., Brinkmann M.M., Schulz T.F. Cytoplasmic isoforms of Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus LANA recruit and antagonize the innate immune DNA sensor cGAS. PNAS. 2016, 113, E1034-104
6) Zhang G, Zhou Z, Wei W. In vivo ways to unveil off-targets. Cell Res. 2019, 29(5):339-34
1. KLK13 Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry and Syncytia Formation via Proteolytic Cleavage of Spike Protein, G. Zhang, Viruses 2024 - A World of Viruses, Feb. 14-16, 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
2. Nasal Mucus-derived KLK13 Restricts SARS-CoV-2 Infection via Proteolytic Cleavage of Spike, G. Zhang, Learning from Tumour Viruses Symposium, June 22nd, 2024, Hannover, Germany
3. Essential Roles of Reticulon Proteins in the Formation of Dengue Virus Replication Organelles in Both Human and Mosquito Cells. G Zhang. 第十四届全国病毒学学术研讨会暨第九届武汉现代病毒学国际研讨会,武汉,2021.9.26-28
4. Identification of Host Targets for Antiviral Drugs by CRISPR Screens. G. Zhang. 第十三届全国病毒学学术研讨会,哈尔滨,2019.07.27-30
5. Whole-Genome Scale CRISPR Screens Identify Drug Targets for Antivirals. G. Zhang. 第十二届全国病毒学学术研讨会,昆明,2017.07.28-31
6. Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus LANA recruits an innate immune sensor to facilitate reactivation from latency. G. Zhang, T. F. Schulz. The 3rd International CRC 900 Symposium: “Microbial persistence in spite of the host immune response”, 28-30 May 2015, Hannover, Germany(第3届CRC900国际研讨会-病原微生物持续感染与免疫,汉诺威,2015)
7. Recruitment of an Innate Immune DNA Sensor by the Cytoplasmic Isoforms of KSHV LANA. G. Zhang, B. Chan, A. Buch, J. Rückert, A. Pich, B. Sodeik, M. M. Brinkmann, T. F. Schulz. Keystone Symposia- Viruses and Human Cancer, 29 March-3 April 2015, Big Sky, Montana, USA(美国Keystone会议- 病毒与人类癌症,2015)
8. Recruitment of an Innate Immune DNA Sensor by the Cytoplasmic Isoforms of KSHV LANA. G. Zhang, B. Chan, A. Buch, J. Rückert, A. Pich, B. Sodeik, M. M. Brinkmann, T. F. Schulz. The 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology, 18-21 March 2015, Bochum, Germany
9. Recruitment of an Innate Immune DNA Sensor by KSHV LANA for Viral Latency. G. Zhang, J. Rückert, A. Pich, T. F.Schulz. The 17th International Workshop on Kaposi’s Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) and Related Agents, 25-28 July 2014, Beijing, China
主持国家自然科学基金(3项,82072283, 82341059, 32000117);
1. 06/2018 Travel Merit Award, 第31届抗病毒研究国际会议(the 31st International Conference on Antiviral Research), 波尔图,葡萄牙
2. 01/2016 优秀博士毕业生奖 (Ph.D. prize), 德国汉诺威医学院
3. 03/2015 Keystone Symposia Scholarship, Keystone会议,蒙大拿,美国