所在教研室/单位: 人体解剖学教研室
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通信地址: 广州市中山二路74号博彩公司排名-博彩公司评级 人体解剖学教研室 邮码 510080
1986年安徽医科大学本科毕业,1991年中山医科大学人体解剖学专业硕士研究生。从1978年起从事脑衰老及形态学研究。1998和2002年分别至香港中文大学解剖学系、澳门科技大学中医药学院进修学习。现为中山大学人体解剖学与神经生物学教授、博士生导师,国家精品课程《人体解剖学》负责人。兼任中国解剖学会理事、广东省解剖学会副理事长兼秘书长、中华医学会科学普及分会第十届委员会常务理事、中国医师协会医学普分会第一届委员会委员、广东省医学会医学科普学分会第七届委员会主任委员、广东省科普作家协会副理事长兼秘书长、中山大学中西医结合研究所学术委员会委员, 中山大学特邀监察员、卫生部继续医学教育委员会学科组成员、广东省省情调查与对策咨询专家库专家、广东省医疗卫生专家、广东省继续医学教育委员会委员、广东药学院客座教授,《解剖学研究》副主编,《解剖学报》、《解剖学杂志》、《神经解剖科学杂志》、《解剖科学进展》、《Current Alzheimer Research》等10多家杂志编委或审稿人。曾获广东省南粤教坛新秀、中山大学教学名师奖、广东省教学名师奖,等。
- 1986年7月毕业于安徽医科大学,留校在人体解剖学教研室任教
- 1991年7月获中山医科大学硕士学位,留校在人体解剖学教研室任教
- 2002年6月获中山大学博士学位
- 1998年、2002年分别至香港中文大学解剖学系进修和澳门科技大学中医药学院任教
- 2003年2月-7月任博彩公司排名-博彩公司评级 院长助理。
- 2002年6月~2005年任人体解剖学和神经生物学教授、解剖学教研室副主任
- 2005年3月-2006年10月任中山大学基础医学院院长助理、中山大学基础医学实验教学中心副主任、中山大学医学影像学系、麻醉学系、康复学系、检验学系副主任、授、博士导师
- 2006年11月-2009年2月任博彩公司排名-博彩公司评级 院长助理、检验学系副主任、教授、解剖学与神经生物学博士导师
- 2009年2月至今中山大学研究生院培养处副处长、解剖学与神经生物学教授、博士导师
1. 脑老化及其机制的研究 发现老年大鼠下丘脑弓状核神经元、神经胶质细胞和突触及β内啡呔能神经元发生增龄变化,为老年下丘脑-垂体轴生理机能的变化提供了形态学依据。海马与学习记忆关系密切,老年个体和老年性痴呆患者学习记忆能力下降。我们对海马结构的发育和兴奋性氨基酸神经元的发育进行了详细研究, 为脑老化提供了丰富的形态学资料。
2. 外周神经损伤及其修复 研究了靶肌肉注射碱性成纤维细胞生长因子对坐骨神经损伤再生及功能恢复的影响、人胚脊髓提取液对胚鼠脊髓前角运动神经元存活与生长的影响以及胚胎运动神经元移植对失神经肌肉的影响,为临床应用碱性成纤维细胞生长因子提供了新的给药途经。
(1) 老年性痴呆基因分子生物学诊断的研究 目前AD生前早期诊断仍是神经精神科的一大难题,到目前为止还没有找到一种完全合乎要求的生物学诊断指标,因此寻找一种有效的生前诊断和早期诊断的生物学指标是很有意义的。不但可以早期诊断AD病,指导临床治疗方案,争取早期治疗,还可以因为应用相同的生化指标而使不同研究机构间的对照研究成为可能,为进一步阐明AD病的发病机制奠定基础。目前我们正在进行老年性痴呆的基因分子生物学诊断的研究,已取得较好的研究结果。成功建立了荧光定量RT-PCR检测APP和HO-1基因的方法, 发现APP和HO-1基因在Alzheimer病患者细胞中均有高水平表达, 且与AD病情程度有关。
(2)中药治疗老年性痴呆的实验研究 针对β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ) 在老年性痴呆发病病理机制中的重要作用, 开展以Aβ为靶的老年性痴呆的治疗, 对从天然植物中提取的有效成份 TA9901影响Aβ肽的聚集和纤维形成的机制进行了系列研究, 明确了TA9901防治老年性痴呆的疗效和作用机制,并获中国发明专利(专利号ZL01107662.3)。我们还发现EGb761能较大幅度增强TA9901效果, 有协同作用。采用荧光分光光度法药物筛选模型, 用光谱学方法对两者配伍物(TA9902)的定量构效关系和分子机制进行研究, 发现TA9902能更好地抑制Ab的聚集和纤维形成; 细胞培养发现TA9902还有神经营养作用, 有促进大脑皮质神经元存活及突起生长,且能减轻Aβ所致的神经毒性作用。该项研究获多项省级基金资助, 并有10多篇论文在核心刊物上发表, 2003年获广东省自然科学二等优秀学术论文,2004年获广东省科学技术进步奖三等奖。其成果达到国际先进水平, 对于完成一个拥有自主知识产权的治疗老年性痴呆的Ⅱ类新药,发展中医药防治AD将产生重要的影响,带来重大的经济效益和社会效益。
1.Sheng Li, Sheng Jiang, Wei Jiang, Yue Zhou, Xiu-Yin Shen, Tao Luo, Ling-Ping
Kong,Hua-Qiao Wang (Corresponding author).Anticancer effects of crocetin in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma KYSE-150 cells. Oncology Letters, 2015,9: 1254-1260.
2.Yuling Zhu, Huili Zhang, Yiming Sun, Yaqin Li, Langhui Deng, Xingxuan Wen, Huaqiao Wang (Corresponding author)and Cheng Zhang. Serum enzyme profiles differentiate five types of muscular dystrophy. Disease Markers. 2015. //dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/543282
3.Yan Kong, Ling-Ping Kong, Tao Luo, Guang-Wu Li, Wei Jiang, Sheng Li, Yue Zhou, Hua-Qiao Wang (Corresponding author).The protective effects of Crocetin on Aβ1-42-induced toxicity in Ht22 cells. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets,2014,13:1627-1632.
4.Guo Peiyi, Tang Zhiping, Ding Zihai, Chu Guoliang, Yao Huosheng, Pan Tao and Wang Huaqiao (Corresponding author):1067-1070..Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy with central neck dissection: experimental studies on human cadavers. Chinese Medical Journal, 2014,127 (6)
5.Tao Luo, Wei Jiang, Yan Kong, Sheng Li, Jie Xu, Hua-Qiao Wang(Corresponding author),AD/PD2013 (Metting abstractsmeeting abstracts meeting abstracts), 2013.. Jatrorrhizine attenuates Hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis in primary rat cortical neurons. Neurodegenerative Diseases. Vol. 11, Suppl. 1
6. Ya-Ping Hou, Hua-Yun Chen, Qiong He, Wei Jiang, Tao Luo, Jinhai Duan, Nan Mu, Yunshao He, Huaqiao Wang(Corresponding author). Changes in methylation patterns of multiple genes from peripheral blood leucocytes of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 2013,25(2):66-76. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1601- 5215.2012.00662.x)
7.3.Li Y,Wang F, Liu C, Zeng M, Han X, Luo T, Jiang W, Xu J, Wang H(Corresponding author).Neurosci Lett, 2013 ,545:17-22. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.04.008. JNK pathway may be involved in isoflurane-induced apoptosis in the hippocampi of neonatal rats.
8. Yujuan Li, Yifan Zhao, Chuiliang Liu, Minting Zeng, Xue Han, Tao Luo, Wei Jiang, Jie Xu,Huaqiao Wang. Sevoflurane induces short-term changes in proteins in the cerebral cortices of developing rats. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2013,57(3):380-390. doi: 10.1111/aas.12018
9.Chen, Shengguo, Wang, Huaqiao, Fong, Amy Hui Yu, Zhang, Ming.Micro-CT visualization of the cricothyroid joint cavity in cadavers.Laryngoscope, 2012,122(3):614-621.
10.Tao Luo, Wei Jiang, Yan Kong, Sheng Li, Feng He, Jie Xu, Hua-Qiao Wang(Corresponding author). The protective effects of Jatrorrhizine on beta-amyloid (25-35)-induced. neurotoxicity in rat cortical neurons. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets(CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets), 2012, Dec 1;11(8):1030-7.
11.En-lin Song, Ya-ping Hou, Shen-ping Yu, Sheng-guo Chen, Jun-ting Huang, Tao Luo , Ling-ping Kong, Jie Xu , Hua-qiao Wang(Corresponding author). EFEMP1 expression promotes angiogenesis and accelerates the growth of cervical cancer in vivo. Gynecologic Oncology, 2011,121(1): 174-180.
12.Tao Luo, Hui Zhang, Wei-Wei Zhang, Jun-Ting Huang, En-Lin Song, Sheng-Guo Chen, Feng He , Jie Xu, Hua-qiao Wang (Corresponding author). Neuroprotective effect of Jatrorrhizine on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell injury and its potential mechanisms in PC12 cells. Neuroscience Letters,2011,498 (3) 227-231.
13. Qiong He, Hua-Yun Chen, En-Qi Bai, Yan-Xin Luo, Rui-Jia Fu, Yun-Shao He, Jie Jiang, Hua-qiao Wang (Corresponding author). Development of a Multiplex MethyLight Assay for the detection of multigene methylation in human colorectal cancer. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics.2010,202(2010):1-10.
14.Deng YH, Yin AH, He Q, Chen JC, He YS, Wang HQ, Li M, Chen HY. Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21 by reverse transcriptase multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Clin Chem Lab Med,2011,49(4):641-646.
15.TAN Gao,WANG Hua-Qiao (corresponding author), CHEN Yu, YUAN Qing -Xi , LI Gang,ZHANG Xiao-Dan, ZHU Pei-Ping, TANG Jin-Tian. X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging study of intraocular tumor in human beings. Chinese Physics C, 2010, 34(2) :237-243.
16.Song En-lin, Chen Sheng-guo, WANG Hua-Qiao (Corresponding author). The expression of EFEMP1 in cervical carcinoma and its relationship with prognosis. Gynecologic Oncology,2010,117(3):417–422.
17.Shu Liu, Huaqiao Wang, Lihua Zhou, Zhibin Yao. Precise location of proton of beta-secretase for catalytic aspartates (Asp 32 and Asp 228) in Alzheimer’s patients. Neural Regen Res,2010,5(8):572-578.
18.Liao, Xinxue, Wang, Lichun, Yang, Chuntao, He, Jiangui, Wang, Xiuyu, Guo, Ruixian, Lan, Aiping, Dong, Xiaobian, Yang, Zhanli, Wang, Huaqiao, Feng, Jianqiang, Ma, Hong. Cyclooxygenase mediates cardioprotection of angiotensin-(1-7) against ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury through the inhibition of oxidative stress. Molecular Medicine Reports, 2011/12,4(6):1145-1150.
19.Shu Liu,Li-Hua Zhou,Hua-Qiao Wang,Zhi-Bin Yao. Superimposing the 27 Crystal protein/inhibitor complexes of β-secretase to Calculate the Binding Affinities by the Linear Interaction Energy Method. Bioorg Med Chem Lett,2010,20(22):6533-6537.
20.Hui Li , Juntao Zou , Zhibin Yao , Jing Yu , Huaqiao Wang, Jie Xu, Tetravalent Aβ1–15 vaccine reduces TCR-positive cell infiltration and up-regulates p75 in Tg2576 brains compared to Aβ42 vaccine. J Neuroimmunol,2010,219(1):8-16.
21.LI Shao-bing, WANG Hua-qiao(Corresponding author), LIN Xian, et al. Specific humoral Immune Responses in adult Rhesus Monkeys Vaccinated with Aβ1-15 vaccine. Chinese Medical Journal, 2005,118(8):660-664
22. Gang-Ming Xi, Hua-Qiao Wang (Corresponding author), et al. Investigation on erve-pathways of acupoint Fengch’ih in rat by anterograde transport of HRP. World J Gastroenterol, 2005,11(20): 3135-3138
23.ZHANG Tai-song, WANG Hua-qiao(Corresponding author), WANG Wei-yi, HUANG Shao-kuan, HE Yun-shao. A study on the relationship between ApoE, D10S1225 polymorphisms and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Chin Med J(Engl), 2006,119(4):294-299.
24.Jin-hai Duan , Hua-qiao Wang, Jie Xu, Xian Lin, Shao-qiong Chen, Zhuang Kang, Zhi-bin Yao. White matter damage of patients with Alzheimer's disease correlated with the decreased cognitive function. Surgical and Radiolgical Anatomy,2006,2:150-157.
25. ZHAO Zhen-fu, GAO Guo-quan, LIU Shu, ZOU Jun-tao, XIE Yao, YUAN Qun-fang , WANG Hua-qiao and YAO Zhi-bin. Screening a human single chain Fv antibody against epitope on amyloid-beta 1-40 from an human phage display library. Chin Med J(Engl), 2007,120(21):1931-1934.
26. Han H, Yao Z, Wang H, Deng X, Fong AHY, Zhang M. The dural entrance of the bridging vein into the transverse sinus provides a reliable measure for preoperative planning: an anatomical comparison between cadavers and neuroimages. Neurosurgery,2008,62(Suppl 2):289–296.
27.Jun Shen, Hua-qiao Wang, Cui-ping Zhou, BI-LING LIANG. Magnetic resonance microneurography of rabbit sciatic nerve on a 1.5 T clinical MR system correlated with gross anatomy. Microsurgery,2008,28(1):32-36.
28.He-ping ZHENG, Huaqiao WANG, Fahui ZHANG, Suqin YUE. Anatomic basis of perforating branch flaps of medial vastus muscle. Microsurgery,2008, 28(1):61-64.
29.Ying GUO,Dejin SHI,Wensheng LI,Chaofeng LIANG , Hui WANG,Zhuopeng YE,Liping HU , Huaqiao WANG,Yan LI. Proliferation and neurogenesis of neural stem cells enhanced by cerebral microvascular endothelial cells. Microsurgery,2008, 2008,28(1):54-60.
30.Chun Shi, Kaihua Guo, David T. Yew, Zhibin Yao, E. Lucy Forster, Huaqiao Wang, Jie Xu. Effects of ageing and Alzheimer’s diseases on mitochondrial function of human platelets. Experimental Gerontology, 2008, 43:589-594.
31.Juntao Zou, Zhibin Yao, Ge Zhang, Huaqiao Wang, Jie Xu, David T. Yew, E. Lucy Forster. Vaccination of Alzheimer’s model mice with adenovirus vector containing quadrivalent foldable Aβ1-15 reduces Aβ burden and behavioral impairment without Aβ-specific T cell response. Journal of the Neurological Sciences(J Neurol Sci), 2008, 272:87-98.
32.Huai-gang QU, Shao-wu CHENG, Rong-bo TIAN, Ze-liang LI, Wan-long LEI, Hua-qiao WANG, Zhi-bin YAO, Hong-wen HE. Effects of the Aqueous extract of the Chinese Medicine Danggui-Shaoyao-San on rat pineal melatonin synthesis. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2008,29(3):366-372.
33.ZHANG Yong, MA Y, LU Han-ping, GAO Jin-hui, LIANG Chang-sheng, LIU Chang-zheng, ZOU Jun-tao and WANG Hua-qiao. Inhibition of human prostate cancer xenograft growth by 125I-TFO directed against androgen receptor. Chin Med J, 2008,121(22):2284-2289.
34.Guolong YU, Xiangzhong ZHANG, Huaqiao WANG, et al. CpG island methylation status in the EpCAM promoter region and gene expression. Oncology Reports,2008,20: 1061-1067.
35.JinJia Hu, GuoYing Li, HuaQiao Wang, Xian Lin and ZhiBin Yao.Prevention of pathological change and cognitive degeneration of Tg2576 mice by inoculating Aβ1–15 vaccine. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences, 2008,51(8): 743-750.
36.Shen-ping Yu, Guo-liang Chu, Jian-yong Yang, Li He, Hua-qiao Wang(corresponding author). Direct intrahepatic portocaval shunt through transhepatic puncture via retrohepatic inferior vena cava: applied anatomical study. Surgical and Radiolgical Anatomy(Surg Radiol Anat),2009, 31:325–329.
37.Lingping Kong, Lingzhi Wu, Jie Zhang, Yaping Liao, Huaqiao Wang(corresponding author).Neuroprotective effects of human telomerase reverse transcriptase on beta-amyloid fragment 25-35-treated human embryonic cortical neurons. Neural Regen Res,2009,4(6):405-412.
1. EFEMP1 expression promotes angiogenesis and accelerates the growth of cervical cancer in vivo
所有作者:En-lin Song, Ya-ping Hou, Shen-ping Yu, Sheng-guo Chen, Jun-ting Huang, Tao Luo , Ling-ping Kong, Jie Xu , Hua-qiao Wang(Corresponding author) 发表杂志:Gynecologic Oncology 发表年份:2011
2. Superimposing the 27 Crystal protein/inhibitor complexes of β-secretase to Calculate the Binding Affinities by the Linear Interaction Energy Method
所有作者:Shu Liu,Li-Hua Zhou,Hua-Qiao Wang,Zhi-Bin Yao 发表杂志:Bioorg Med Chem Lett 发表年份:2010
3. Precise location of proton of beta-secretase for catalytic aspartates (Asp 32 and Asp 228) in Alzheimer’s patients
所有作者:Shu Liu, Huaqiao Wang, Lihua Zhou, Zhibin Yao 发表杂志:Neural Regen Res 发表年份:2010
4. The expression of EFEMP1 in cervical carcinoma and its relationship with prognosis
所有作者:Song En-lin, Chen Sheng-guo, Wang Hua-qiao (Corresponding author) 发表杂志:Gynecologic Oncology 发表年份:2010
5. X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging study of intraocular tumor in human beings
所有作者:TAN Gao(谈高),WANG Hua-Qiao(汪华侨) (corresponding author), CHEN Yu(陈雨), YUAN Qing -Xi(袁清习) , LI Gang(黎刚),ZHANG Xiao-Dan(张晓丹), ZHU Pei-Ping(朱佩平), TANG Jin-Tian(唐劲天) 发表杂志:Chinese Physics C 发表年份:2010
6. Development of a Multiplex MethyLight Assay for the detection of multigene methylation in human colorectal cancer
所有作者:Qiong He, Hua-Yun Chen, En-Qi Bai, Yan-Xin Luo, Rui-Jia Fu, Yun-Shao He, Jie Jiang, Hua-Qiao Wang(Corresponding author) 发表杂志:Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 发表年份:2010
7. Tetravalent Aβ1–15 vaccine reduces TCR-positive cell infiltration and up-regulates p75 in Tg2576 brains compared to Aβ42 vaccine. J Neuroimmunol,2010(in press)
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2010
8. Prevention of pathological change and cognitive degeneration of Tg2576 mice by inoculating Aβ1–15 vaccine. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences, 2008,51(8): 743-750.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
9. Effects of ageing and Alzheimer’s diseases on mitochondrial function of human platelets. Experimental Gerontology, 2008, 43:589-594.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
10. Proliferation and neurogenesis of neural stem cells enhanced by cerebral microvascular endothelial cells. Microsurgery, 2008, 2008,28(1):54-60
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
11. White matter damage of patients with Alzheimer's disease correlated with the decreased cognitive function. Surgical and Radiolgical Anatomy,2006,2:150-157
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2006
12. Screening a human single chain Fv antibody against epitope on amyloid-beta 1-40 from an human phage display library. Chin Med J, 2007,120(21):1931-1934.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2007
13. Anatomic basis of perforating branch flaps of medial vastus muscle. Microsurgery, 2008, 2008,28(1):61-64.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
14. The dural entrance of the bridging vein into the transverse sinus provides a reliable measure for preoperative planning: an anatomical comparison between cadavers and neuroimages. Neurosurgery, 2008,62(2):51-57
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
15. . Magnetic resonance microneurography of rabbit sciatic nerve on a 1.5 T clinical MR system correlated with gross anatomy. Microsurgery, 2008,28(1):32-36.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
16. CpG island methylation status in the EpCAM promoter region and gene expression. Oncology Reports,2008,20: 1061-1067.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
17. Inhibition of human prostate cancer xenograft growth by 125I-TFO directed against androgen receptor. Chin Med J, 2008,121(22):2284-2289.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
18. Effects of the Aqueous extract of the Chinese Medicine Danggui-Shaoyao-San on rat pineal melatonin synthesis. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2008,29(3):366-372.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
19. Vaccination of Alzheimer’s model mice with adenovirus vector containing quadrivalent foldable Aβ1-15 reduces Aβ burden and behavioral impairment without Aβ-specific T cell response. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2008, 272:87-98.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008
20. The expression of EFEMP1 in cervical carcinoma and its relationship with prognosis. Gynecologic Oncology,2010(in press)
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2010
21. A study on the relationship between ApoE, D10S1225 polymorphisms and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Chin Med J, 2006,119(4):294-299.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2006
22. X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging study of intraocular tumor in human beings. Chinese Physics C, 2010, 34(2):1-7.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2010
23. Evalution of murion models of permanent focal cerebral ischemia. Chin Med J, 2004,117(3): 389-394
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2004
24. Investigation on nerve-pathways of acupoint Fengch’ih in rat by anterograde transport of HRP. World J Gastroenterol, 2005,11(20): 3135-3138
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2005
25. Specific humoral Immune Responses in adult Rhesus Monkeys Vaccinated with Aβ1-15 vaccine. Chin Med J, 2005,118(8):660-664
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2005
26. Neuroprotective effects of human telomerase reverse transcriptase on beta-amyloid fragment 25-35-treated human embryonic cortical neurons. Neural Regen Res,2009,4(6):405-412.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2009
27. Direct intrahepatic portocaval shunt through transhepatic puncture via retrohepatic inferior vena cava: applied anatomical study. Surg Radiol Anat,2009, 31:325–329.
所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2009
2.《局部解剖学》(临床医学,五年制) 北京大学医学出版社(2014)
主审:《功能解剖学实训指导》. ISBN 978-7-117-17515-9/R·17516(2013)
编 委:
《局部解剖学》(临床医学,五年制,全国十二五规划教材) 人民卫生出版社(2013)
1.《人体解剖学》(第二版)(十一五国家级规划教材)( ISBN 7-03-017215-9)/科学出版社( 2006.8)
2.《人体解剖学学习精要》(十一五国家级规划教材配套学习辅导)(ISBN 7-03-017487-9) /科
学出版社( 2006.8)
3.《人体解剖学学习精要》(十一五国家级规划教材配套学习辅导)( ISBN 7-03-017487-9)/科
学出版社( 2008.3)
4.《人体解剖学》(第3版)(十一五国家级规划教材)( ISBN 978-7-03-024883-1)/科学出版社
( 2009.7)
2.《医用解剖学》(卫生部十一五规划教材) (ISBN 978-7-04-025351-1)人民卫生出版社 (2009.2 )
3.《系统解剖学》(全国十一五规划教材) 高等教育出版社(2010)
4.《局部解剖学》(全国十一五规划教材) 高等教育出版社(2010)
5.《基础医学概论》(全国十一五规划教材) 人民卫生出版社(2010)
编 委:
1.实验基础医学(国家十二五规划教材) (第四版)(刘芳娥、刘利兵主编)第四军医大学出版社(ISBN 978-7-5662-0570-4/R.1424) 2014.10
2.《人体解剖学》(护理专业) ( ISBN 978-7-117-17368-1)/ 人民卫生出版社(2013) (丁自海主编)
3.《人体解剖学》(护理专业)(笫二版) (全国十一五规划教材) ( ISBN978-7- 5046-4082-6/R1114)
4.《人体解剖生理学》(全国十一五规划教材) 人民卫生出版社 (2007.12)
5.《功能解剖学学习指导和习题集》(卫生部十一五规划配套教材) (ISBN
6.《局部解剖学》 (十一五规划教材)高等教育出版社(ISBN 978-7-117-11223-9) (2009.3)
7.《实验基础医学》(卫生部十一五规划教材)第四军医大学出版社(ISBN 978-7-81086-633-0)
8.《TEXTBOOK OF SYSTEMATIC ANATOMY》《系统解剖学》(2st Edition)(双语版) (十一五规划)(编委) /科学出版社( 2008.6)
9.《局部解剖学》(全国十一五规划教材) (八年制教材)人民卫生出版社(2010)
10.《神经科学基础》(全国十一五研究生规划教材) 人民卫生出版社(2010)
11.《影像断层解剖学》(全国十一五研究生规划教材) 人民卫生出版社(2010)
12.《断层解剖学》(全国十一五研究生规划教材) 人民卫生出版社(2010)
《人体解剖学与组织胚胎学》双语教材 (ISBN 978-7-117-08964-7/R.8965)/ 人民卫生出版社( 2007.8)
《人体解剖学与组织胚胎学》双语教材(第2版) ( ISBN 978-7-117-11564-3)/ (第二主编)人民卫生出版社63.8万字( 2009.9)
1.《系统解剖学》(双语版)(国家高校精品课程教材) (ISBN 978-7-03-026053-6) 科学出版社
(2009.12 )
2.《HUMAN ANATOMY》(5th Edition) (卫生部十一五规划教材) ( ISBN978-7-5384-0617-7)/ 吉林
3.《A Textbook of Systematic Anatomy》(解剖学英文教材)苏州大学出版社/ ISBN
4.《人体解剖学双语教学配套练习》(ISBN 7-5361-3299-9)/广东高等教育出版社 (2006.2)
编 委
1.《Human Anatomy》(解剖学英文教材)( 第3版) ISBN 7-5384-0617-4/R.106/吉林科学技术
出版社/汪华侨 (2002.7)
2.《Human Anatomy》(解剖学英文教材) ( 第4版)吉林科学技术出版社/ISBN 7-5384-0617-4
3.《Systematic Anatomy Media Mix Courseware》(电子教材) ( ISBN7- 900 427-65 -1) /苏州大
4.《TEXTBOOK OF SYSTEMATIC ANATOMY》《系统解剖学》(2st Edition)(双语版) (十一五
规划) /科学出版社( 2008.6)
《人体解剖学》(21世纪高等医药院校教材)( ISBN 7-03-015625-0) /科学出版社( 2005.8)
1.《人体解剖学现代学习基础》 (ISBN7-80194-188-8/人民军医出版社/(主编) (2004.4)
2.《基础解剖学标本彩色图谱》(双语版)(ISBN 978-7-5304-3683-7) /北京科学技术出版社/(主
编) (2008.9 )
3.《医用解剖学标本彩色图谱》(ISBN 7-5304-2719-9) /北京科学技术出版社/ (主编之一)
(2003.8 )
4.《人体解剖学标本彩色图谱-系统解剖学》(ISBN 7-5304-3079-3/R.744) /北京科学技术出版社/(主编之一)(2005.5)
5.《人体解剖学标本彩色图谱-局部解剖学》(ISBN 7-5304-3078-5/R.773) /北京科学技术出版社/(主编之一)字(2005.5)
1.《解剖学导论》(ISBN 7-81079-613-5)/暨南大学出版社/ (2005.9)
2.《英汉人体解剖学常用词汇》(ISBN 7-5361-3157-7)/广东高等教育出版社(2005.6)
1.《人体解剖图谱》(ISBN 7-5359-4036-6) /广东科技出版社/ (2006.3 )
2.《医用解剖学》ISBN 7-5067-1968-1/中国医药科技出版社/ (1999.2)
3.《人体结构学》ISBN 7-03-009004-7/科学出版社/ (2001.1)
4.《人体解剖学》(全国高等学校医学规划教材)( ISBN 7-04-013260-5)/ 高等教育出版社
( 2003.8)
5.《断层解剖学》(全国规划教材)(ISBN 7-04-013235-4) /高教出版社( 2004.2)
6.《人体解剖学》(全国规划教材) ( ISBN7-5046-4082-4) /中国科技出版社(2005.10)
7.《人体断面解剖学》(全国规划教材) ( ISBN7-117-06912-0)/人民卫生出版社/(2005.8)
8.《人体断层解剖学》(研究生用教材) ( ISBN7-04-018638-1) /高等教育出版社(2006.2)
9.《人体解剖学学习指导》(ISBN 978-7-5046-4593-7)/ 科学技术出版社(2007.3)
10.《系统解剖学复习考试指导》中国协和医科大学出版社(ISBN 978-7-81136-087-5) (2009.4)
《骨科临床解剖学(钟世镇现代临床解剖学全集) 》(ISBN 978-7-5331-5606-0). 济南:山东科学技术出版社.2010.7
《Color Atlas of Microsurgical Anatomy-Surgical Flaps of the Limbs》(显微外科解剖学实物图谱:四肢组织瓣)(ISBN 978-7-117-09200-5/R.9201人民卫生出版社/2008.1《细说临床解剖学:腹部、骨盆及会阴部》(王启华,张为龙主编)(ISBN 978-986-126-381-6)/合记图书出版社 (2007.1)
《细说临床解剖学:头颈、背部、胸部及四肢》(王启华,张为龙主编)(ISBN 978-986-126-433-2/合记图书出版社 (2007.6)
《图解系统解剖学》(ISBN 957-666-973-1)/台湾合记出版社 (2004.1)
《实用眼耳鼻咽喉解剖学》(ISBN 7-117-05123-X/R.5124)/人民卫生出版社/ (2002.12)
1. 汪华侨(编者)/ 颈腰椎间盘疾病微创治疗. 陈鸿儒主编/北京: 人民卫生出版社/2013.9
2.《神经解剖学》/朱长庚主编/(第2版)(ISBN 978-7-117-11359-5/R-11360) /人民卫生
3.《吞咽障碍评估与治疗》(第1版)窦祖林主编(ISBN 987-7-113-12050-0) /人民出版社
4.《器官移植与器官联合移植/何晓顺、朱晓峰主编( ISBN 978-7-5359-4737-6)/广东科技
5.《妊娠合并重型肝炎救治的基础与临床》(第1版)李小毛主编(ISBN 987-7-5091-2718-6)
人民军医出版社/ (2009.6)
6.《临床中枢神经解剖学》(第2版)李振平, 刘树伟主编(ISBN 987-7-03-024173-3) /
科学出版社/ (2009.3)
7.《现代痴呆学》/马永兴, 俞卓伟主编/上海:科学技术文献出版社/2008.9
8.《脑老化科学》. 郑观成主编(ISBN 978-7-309-05888-8)复旦大学出版社.2008.10
9.《颅脑巨微解剖手术学》(刘执王主编)( ISBN 978-7-5091-1572-5) 人民军医出版社/
11.《男科病诊治学》(ISBN 7-80651-250-0) /羊城晚报出版社 (2004.1)
12.《男科疾病典型病案分析》(ISBN 7-5023-4226-5) /科学技术文献出版社( 2003.5)
13.《临床中枢神经解剖学》(ISBN 7-03-011861-8) /科学出版社/ (2003.8)
14.《神经解剖学》(朱长庚主编)(ISBN 7-117-04616-3) /人民卫生出版社/ (2002.3)
1. 编委 人体解剖学和组织胚胎学名词审定委员会. 人体解剖学名词, 第二版, 北京: 科学出版社,2014.8 ISBN 978-7-03-041398-7
1.汪华侨参译.《人体图谱》 (ISBN:978-7-5449-3932-7) 郑州:科学文献出版社.2012.10
2.(美)凯尔 编著,汪华侨等主译.《功能解剖—肌与骨骼的解剖、功能及触诊》 (ISBN:978-7-5433-3182-2) 天津:天津科技翻译出版有限公司.2013.1
3.(美)Andrew Biel著,丁自海、汪华侨主译.《推拿按摩的解剖学基础》 (ISBN:978-7-5331-7232-9) 济南:山东科学技术出版社.2014.4
4.《人体实物标本照相-实体解剖学彩色图谱》(原著 Johannes W. Rohen, Chihiro Yokochi,
Elkelutjen-Drecoll) /合记图书出版社/(参译)(2004.2)
5.《根据词源记忆解剖学英日汉语词集》(骨学名词)、(肌学名词) 、(内脏学名词) 和(脑与神经学名词)(ISBN 978-7-5308-5071-8)天津科学技术出版社(2009.6)
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1. 以三段序贯式教学模式为核心的人体解剖学国家精品课程的建设(第六届广东省优秀教学成果一等奖/第1完成人/2010)
2.系解-局解相结合三段式人体解剖学教学模式的创建及其教改实践(第五届广东省优秀教学成果一等奖/第1/ 2005年)
3. 人体解剖学课程建设和提高教学水平的改革(第四届广东省优秀教学成果一等奖/ 第1/ 2001年)