所在教研室/单位: 组织胚胎学教研室
行政职务: 组胚细胞系师生党支部书记、组织胚胎学教研室主任
E-mail:[email protected]
通信地址: 广东省广州市中山二路74号
研究方向:1. 干细胞源性神经组织移植联合电刺激/电针修复脊髓损伤的机制研究;2. 电刺激联合负载干细胞的生物材料桥接修复外周神经缺损的机制研究
丁英,医学博士,硕士/博士生导师,现任博彩公司排名-博彩公司评级 组织学与胚胎学课程副主任和组胚细胞系师生党支部书记。2015年-2016年在美国印第安纳大学医学院神经科学研究中心做访问学者。作为主持人已获得国家自然科学基金和广东省自然科学基金多项,作为主要合作者参与了国家自然科学基金重大项目和重点项目,国家科技部重点研发项目等多项基金。获广东省自然科学奖二等奖等(排名2),发表相关学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录论文40篇。
- 干细胞源性神经组织移植联合电刺激/电针修复脊髓损伤的机制研究
- 电刺激联合负载干细胞的生物材料桥接修复缺损外周神经的机制研
2.国家自然科学基金-面上项目,81774397,电针通过NT-3介导炎症调节以促进移植的MSC源性神经网络在损伤脊髓内存活及功能性整合的研究,2018/01- 2021/12,60 万元,主持
3.广东省自然科学基金--面上项目,2023A1515012211,电针调控损伤脊髓的兴奋性固有神经元与移植的NSC源性神经网络整合促进脊髓神经环路修复的机制研究, 2023/01-2025/12,10万元,主持
6.国家自然科学基金重点项目,81330028,干细胞源性神经网络支架移植修复脊髓受损伤神经网络的机制研究,2014/01-2018/12,280 万元,参加(排名第三)
近5年发表的文章(#第一作者; *通讯作者):
- Ding Y*, Li G*, Zhang P and Zhang W (2023) Editorial: New advances in functional rehabilitation after central and peripheral nervous system injury. Front. Neurol. 14:1160382. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1160382
- Xiao X#, Deng Q#, Zeng X, Lai BQ, Ma YH, Li G, Zeng YS, Ding Y*. Transcription Profiling of a Revealed the Potential Molecular Mechanism of Governor Vessel Electroacupuncture for Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. Neurospine. 2022, 19(3):757-769.
- Pei W, Meng F, Deng Q, Zhang B, Gu Y, Jiao B, Xu H, Tang J, Zhou X, Li Z, He G, Ruan JW*, Ding Y*. Electroacupuncture promotes the survival and synaptic plasticity of hippocampal neurons and improvement of sleep deprivation-induced spatial memory impairment. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2021, 27(12):1472-1482.
- Yang Y#, Xu HY#, Deng QW, Wu GH, Zeng X, Jin H, Wang LJ, Lai BQ, Li G, Ma YH, Jiang B, Ruan JW, Wang YQ, Ding Y*, Zeng YS*. Electroacupuncture facilitates the integration of a grafted TrkC-modified mesenchymal stem cell-derived neural network into transected spinal cord in rats via increasing neurotrophin-3. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2021, 27(7): 776-791.
- Xu H#, Yang Y#, Deng QW, Zhang BB, Ruan JW, Jin H, Wang JH, Ren J, Jiang B, Sun JH, Zeng YS*, Ding Y*. Governor Vessel electro-acupuncture promotes the intrinsic growth ability of spinal neurons through activating CGRP/αCaMKII/NT-3 pathway after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2021, 38(6):734-745.
- Jin H#, Zhang YT#, Yang Y, Wen LY, Wang JH, Xu HY, Lai BQ, Feng B, Che MT, Qiu XC, Li ZL, Wang LJ, Ruan JW, Jiang B, Zeng X, Deng QW, Li G, Ding Y*, Zeng YS*. Electroacupuncture Facilitates the Integration of Neural Stem Cell-Derived Neural Network with Transected Rat Spinal Cord. Stem Cell Reports. 2019, 12(2):274-289.
- Al-Ali H#, Ding Y#, Slepak T#, Wu W, Sun Y, Martinez Y, Xu XM, Lemmon VP, Bixby JL. The mTOR substrate S6 Kinase 1 (S6K1) is a negative regulator of axon regeneration and a potential drug target for Central Nervous System injury. J Neurosci. 2017, 37(30):7079-7095.
- Zhang YT, Jin H, Wang JH, Wen LY, Yang Y, Ruan JW, Zhang SX, Ling EA, Ding Y*, Zeng YS*. Tail Nerve Electrical Stimulation and Electro-Acupuncture Can Protect Spinal Motor Neurons and Alleviate Muscle Atrophy after Spinal Cord Transection in Rats. Neural Plast. 2017;2017:7351238.
- Yang XH#, Ding Y(共同第一作者)#, Li W, Zhang RY, Wu JL, Ling EA, Wu W*, Zeng YS*, Effects of electroacupuncture and the retinoid X receptor (RXR) signalling pathway on oligodendrocyte differentiation in the demyelinated spinal cord of rats, Acupuncture in Medicine, 2017, 35(2):122-132.
- Ding Y(第一作者)#, Zhang RY#, He B#, Liu Z, Zhang K, Ruan JW, Ling EA, Wu JL, Zeng YS. Combination of electroacupuncture and grafted mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing TrkC improves remyelination and function in demyelinated spinal cord of rats. Sci Rep. 2015, 5:9133.
- 王军华,丁英(通讯作者), 曾园山. NT-3促进脂多糖诱导的M1型巨噬细胞向M2表型极化. 解剖学研究,2018,40(1):23-26.
- 张宝宝, 岑晓晴,曾园山,丁英(通讯作者). 神经示踪定位SD大鼠长下行脊髓固有神经元胞体及其轴突投射的解剖位置. 解剖学研究,2021,43(1):1-6.
- 彭历芝,位庆帅,马瑗锾,许金海,蒋 斌,曾园山,曾 湘,丁 英(通讯作者)*. 构建具有突触传递潜能的iPSC源性抑制性神经网络组织. 中山大学学报(医学科学版). 2023, 44(1):18-25
- Zeng YS, Ding Y, Xu HY, Zeng X, Lai BQ, Li G, Ma YH. Electro-acupuncture and its combination with adult stem cell transplantation for spinal cord injury treatment: A summary of current laboratory findings and a review of literature. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2022, 28(5): 635-647.
- Lai Biqin#, Wu Rongjie#, Han Weitao#, Bai YR, Liu JL, Yu HY, Yang SB, Wang LJ, Ren JL, Ding Y, Li G, Zeng X, Ma YH, Quan Q, Xing LY, Jiang B, Wang YQ, Zhang L, Chen ZH, Zhang HB, Chen YF, Zheng QJ, Zeng YS*. Tail nerve electrical stimulation promoted the efficiency of transplanted spinal cord-like tissue as a neuronal relay to repair the motor function of rats with transected spinal cord injury. Biomaterials 2023, 297, 122103.
- Lai BQ, Zeng X, Han WT, Che MT, Ding Y, Li G, Zeng YS. Stem cell-derived neuronal relay strategies and functional electrical stimulation for treatment of spinal cord injury. Biomaterials, 2021 Dec;279:121211.
- Li G, Zhang B, Sun JH, Shi LY, Huang MY, Huang LJ, Lin ZJ, Lin QY, Lai BQ, Ma YH, Jiang B, Ding Y, Zhang HB, Li MX, Zhu P, Wang YQ, Zeng X, Zeng YS. An NT-3-releasing bioscaffold supports the formation of TrkC-modified neural stem cell-derived neural network tissue with efficacy in repairing spinal cord injury. Bioactive Materials, 2021, 6:3766-3781.
- Ma YH, Shi HJ, Wei QS, Deng QW, Sun JH, Liu Z, Lai BQ, Li G, Ding Y, Niu WT, Zeng YS, Zeng X. Developing a mechanically matched decellularized spinal cord scaffold for the in situ matrix-based neural repair of spinal cord injury. Biomaterials, 2021, 279:121192
- Bai YR, Lai BQ, Han WT, Sun JH, Li G, Ding Y, Zeng X, Ma YH, Zeng YS. Decellularized optic nerve functional scaffold transplant facilitates directional axon regeneration and remyelination in the injured white matter of the rat spinal cord. Neural Regen Res. 2021 Nov;16(11):2276-2283.
- Lai BQ, Bai YR, Han WT, Zhang B, Liu S, Sun JH, Liu JL, Li G, Zeng X, Ding Y, Ma YH, Zhang L, Chen ZH, Wang J, Xiong Y, Wu JH, Qi Q, Xing LY, Zhang HB, Zeng YS. Construction of a niche-specific spinal white matter-like tissue to promote directional axon regeneration and myelination for rat spinal cord injury repair. Bioactive Materials, 2021, Oct 20;11:15-31.
- Lai BQ, Che MT, Feng B, Bai YR, Li G, Ma YH, Wang LJ, Huang MY, Wang YQ, Jiang B, Ding Y, Zeng X, Zeng YS. Tissue-Engineered Neural Network Graft Relays Excitatory Signal in the Completely Transected Canine Spinal Cord. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2019, 6(22):1901240.
- Ma YH, Zeng X, Qiu XC, Wei QS, Che MT, Ding Y, Liu Z, Wu GH, Sun JH, Pang M, Rong LM, Liu B, Aljuboori Z, Han I, Ling EA, Zeng YS. Perineurium-like sheath derived from long-term surviving mesenchymal stem cells confers nerve protection to the injured spinal cord. Biomaterials. 2018, 160:37-55
- 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,82074528,电针调控A2星形胶质细胞促进移植NSC源性神经元与损伤脊髓的神经元形成突触的机制研究。2021-01-01到2024-12-31,55万,主持
- 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,81774397,电针通过NT-3介导炎症调节以促进移植的MSC源性神经网络在损伤脊髓内存活及功能性整合的研究,2018/01- 2021/12,60 万元,主持
- 广东省自然科学基金--面上项目,2023A1515012211,电针调控损伤脊髓的兴奋性固有神经元与移植的NSC源性神经网络整合促进脊髓神经环路修复的机制研究, 2023/01-2025/12,10万元,主持
- 广东省自然科学基金-自由申请项目,2017A030313674,督脉电针联合TrkC-MSCs移植协同抑制炎症反应促进损伤脊髓神经再生的机制研究,2017/10-2020/10,10万,主持
- 国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFA0104702,基于间充质干细胞神经组织模块修复周围神经缺损的基础与临床研究,2017/07-2022/12,689万,参与(分配基金90万)
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目,81330028,干细胞源性神经网络支架移植修复脊髓受损伤神经网络的机制研究,2014/01-2018/12,280 万元,参加(排名第三)
- 广东省自然科学基金-自由申请项目,2014A030313122,督脉电针促进移植的MSC源性神经网络与受损伤脊髓神经网络整合的机制研究,2015/1-2018/1,10万,主持
- 获2017年度广东省科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖,排名第2
- 2021年度中华中医药学会科学技术奖三等奖,排名第2
- 移植干细胞源性神经网络组织修复脊髓损伤的系列研究,第四届广东医学科技奖 一等奖,排名第6,2022年12月