2002年获微生物学博士学位;2002-2004年,于美国弗吉尼亚州立大学(VCU)接受博士后培训;2005-2008年,在美国加利福尼亚大学(UCSB)任研究助理。2009年作为百人计划引进人才,受聘于博彩公司排名-博彩公司评级 。研究方向是宿主细胞与虫媒病毒的相互作用,抗病毒感染的细胞应答,抗病毒药物的筛选等。
- Changbai Huang, Fei Feng, Yongxia Shi, Wenhui Li, Ziqiao Wang, Yunkai Zhu, Shuai Yuan, Dandan Hu, Jun Dai, Qiqi Jiang, Rong Zhang, Chao Liu*, Ping Zhang*. Protein Kinase C inhibitors reduce SARS-CoV-2 replication in cultured cells. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022, e0105622
- Shili Zhou, Quanshi Lin, Changbai Huang, Xiaocao Ma, Xiaotong Luo, Xu Tian, Chao Liu*, Ping Zhang* Rottlerin plays an antiviral role at early and late steps of Zika virus infection. Virologica Sinica. 2022, 37 (5) 685–694
- Huixin Gao#, Yuxia Lin #, Changbai Huang#, Xiaobo Li, Michael S. Diamond, Chao Liu, Rong Zhang*, and Ping Zhang* A genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies HuR as a regulator of apoptosis induced by dsRNA and virus. Journal of Cell Science, 2022, 135(6): jcs.258855
- Yuxia Lin#, Changbai Huang #, Huixin Gao, Xiaobo Li, Quanshi Lin, Shili Zhou, Zhiting Huo, Yanxia Huang, Chao Liu*, Ping Zhang*. AMBRA1 promotes dsRNA- and virus-induced apoptosis through interacting with and stabilizing MAVS. Journal of Cell Science, 2021, 135(1):jcs258910
- Yi Wang, Zhiting Huo, Quanshi Lin, Yuxia Lin, Cancan Chen, Yanxia Huang, Changbai Huang, Junfang He, Chao Liu*, Ping Zhang*. Positive feedback loop of lncRNA OASL-IT1 and innate immune response restricts the replication of Zika virus in epithelial A549 cells. Journal of Innate Immunity, 2021,13(2):1-15
- Yanxia Huang#, Quanshi Lin#, Zhiting Huo, Cancan Chen, Shili Zhou, Xiaocao Ma, Huixin Gao, Yuxia Lin, Xiaobo Li, Junfang He, Ping Zhang*, and Chao Liu*. Inositol requiring enzyme 1α promotes Zika virus infection through regulating stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 mediated lipid metabolism. Journal of Virology, 2020, 94(23):e01229-20
- Quanshi Lin#, Shili Zhou#, Yanxia Huang, Zhiting Huo, Cancan Chen, Xin Luo, Junfang He, Chao Liu*, and Ping Zhang*. ANKS4B restricts replication of Zika virus by downregulating the autophagy. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11:1745.
- Shili Zhou, Chao Yang, Fanfan Zhao, Yanxia Huang, Yuxia Lin, Changbai Huang, Xiaocao Ma, Jingjie Du, Yi Wang, Gang Long, Junfang He, Chao Liu*, and Ping Zhang*. Double-stranded RNA deaminase ADAR1 promotes the Zika virus replication by inhibiting the activation of protein kinase PKR. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2019, 294(48):18168-18180.
- Yi Wang#, Xiaoyan Chen#, Jiong Xie, Shili Zhou, Yanxia Huang, Yiping Li, Xiaobo Li, Chao Liu, Junfang He*, Ping Zhang* . RNA helicase A is an important host factor involved in dengue virus replication. Journal of Virology, 2019, 93(4): e01306-18
- Huixin Gao#, Yuxia Lin#, Junfang He, Shili Zhou, Mujiao Liang, Changbai Huang, Xiaobo Li, Chao Liu*, Ping Zhang*. Role of heparan sulfate in the Zika virus entry, replication, and cell death. Virology, 2019, 529: 91-100
- Yi Wang, Ping Zhang*. Recent advances in the identification of the host factors involved in dengue virus replication. Virology Sinica, 2017, 32(1)23–31
- Feng Xu, Xiaobo Li, Peifen Zhang, Jun Xia, Yi Wang, Chao Yang, Huixin Gao, Shili Zhou, Ping Zhang*. Melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 is involved in the induction of stress granules and autophagy by protonophore CCCP. Biological Chemistry, 2016, 397 (1):67-74
- Yuye Li#, Siyu Wu#, Jieying Pu, Xi Huang, Ping Zhang*. Dengue Virus Upregulates Expression of Notch Ligands Dll1 and Dll4 Through IFN-β Signaling Pathway. Immunology, 2015, 144(1):127-38
- Xiaoyan Chen, Jun Xia, Qirui Zhao, Yi Wang, Jingyu Liu, Lianqiang Feng, Junfang He*, Ping Zhang*. Eukaryotic initiation factor 4AI interacts with NS4A of Dengue virus and plays an antiviral role. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2015, 461 (1): 148-153
- Jun Xia#, Xiaoyan Chen#, Feng Xu, Yi Wang, Yongxia Shi, Yuye Li, Junfang He*, Ping Zhang*. Infection of Dengue virus induces formation of G3BP1 granules in human lung epithelial cells. Archives of Virology, 2015, 160(12):2991-2999
- Peifen Zhang#, Yuye Li#, Jun Xia, Junfang He, Jieying Pu, Jiong Xie, Siyu Wu, Lianqiang Feng, Xi Huang, Ping Zhang*. IPS-1 plays an essential role in dsRNA-induced stress granule formation by interacting with PKR and promoting its activation. Journal of Cell Science, 2014, 127: 2471-2482
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