现任广东省医学会细胞治疗学分会青年委员会委员,广东省中医药学会整合生殖医学专业委员会委员,干细胞与再生医学国家地方联合工程研究中心、干细胞与组织工程教育部重点实验室研究人员,广东省生殖医学重点实验室研究人员。主要研究成果包括:利用基因编辑技术建立多种人类遗传疾病灵长类动物模型,包括MCPH1基因缺失小脑症食蟹猴模型、FAH基因缺失酪氨酸血症I型食蟹猴模型及SHANK3基因缺失自闭症食蟹猴模型等,首次证实利用TALEN技术可以获得具有显著表型的食蟹猴模型;建立了多种转基因小鼠及人类的正常和疾病多能干细胞系;首次证实CX43、CX45能促进细胞重编程效率,为提高iPSCs的形成效率及探讨细胞重编程机制提供重要的理论基础等。以第一作者及通讯作者在Nature、Cell Research、Cell Discovery等杂志发表论文多篇,主持参与国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金项目、省重点领域研发计划项目及广州市健康医疗协同创新重大专项等基金项目。
- Liang, C#., Ke, Q#., Liu, Z#., Ren, J#., Zhang, W#., Hu, J., Wang, Z., Chen, H., Xia, K., Lai, X., Wang, Q., Yang, K., Li, W., Wu, Z., Wang, C., Yan, H., Jiang, X., Ji, Z., Ma, M., Long, X., Wang, S., Wang, H., Sun, H., Belmonte, J., QU, J*., Xiang, A. P*. & Liu, G. H*. (2022), "BMAL1 moonlighting as a gatekeeper for LINE1 repression and cellular senescence in primates", Nucleic Acids Res, Vol. 50 No. 6, pp. 3323-3347.
- Chen, H#., Xia, K#., Huang, W#., Li, H., Wang, C., Ma, Y., Chen, J., Luo, P., Zheng, S., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Dong, L., Tan, Z., Lai, X., Mao, F. F., Li, W., Liang, X., Wang, T., Xiang, A. P., & Ke, Q*. (2021). Autologous transplantation of thecal stem cells restores ovarian function in nonhuman primates. Cell Discovery, 7(1).
- Xia, K#., Ma, Y., Feng, X#., Deng, R., Ke, Q*., Xiang, A.P*.& Deng, C.*. (2020). Endosialin defines human stem Leydig cells with regenerative potential. Human Reproduction, 35(10): 2197-2212.
- Feng, X#., Xia, K#., Ke, Q#., Deng, R., Zhuang, J., Wan, Z., Luo, P., Wang, F., Zang, Z., Sun, X., Xiang, A.P., Tu, X*., Gao, Y., & Deng, C.* (2020). Transplantation of encapsulated human Leydig-like cells: A novel option for the treatment of testosterone deficiency. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 519: 111039.
- Xia, K#., Chen, H#. , Wang, J#., Feng, X#., Gao, Y., Wang, Y., Deng, R., Wu, C., Luo, P., Zhang, M., Wang, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, G., Tu, X., Sun, X., Li, W., Ke, Q*., Deng, C*. and Xiang, A.P*., (2020). Restorative functions of Autologous Stem Leydig Cell transplantation in a Testosterone-deficient non-human primate model. Theranostics, 10 (19):8705-8720.
- Sun, J#., Huang, Y#., Gong, J#., Wang, J., Fan, Y., Cai, J., Wang, Y., Qiu, Y., Wei, Y., Xiong, C., Chen, J., Wang, B., Ma, Y., Huang, L., Chen, X., Zheng, S., Huang, W., Ke, Q., Wang, T., Li, X., Zhang, W., Xiang, A. P*., & Li, W*. (2020). Transplantation of hPSC-derived pericyte-like cells promotes functional recovery in ischemic stroke mice. Nat Commun, 11(1): 5196.
- Zhou, Y#., Sharma, J#., Ke, Q#., Landman, R#., Yuan, J., Chen, H., Hayden, D. S., Fisher, J. W., Jiang, M., Menegas, W., Aida, T., Yan, T., Zou, Y., Xu, D., Parmar, S., Hyman, J. B., Fanucci-Kiss, A., Meisner, O., Wang, D., Huang, Y., Li, Y., Bai, Y., Ji, W., Lai, X., Li, W., Huang, L., Lu, Z., Wang, L., Anteraper, S. A., Sur, M., Zhou, H*., Xiang, A. P*., Desimone, R., Feng, G*., & Yang, S*. (2019). Atypical behaviour and connectivity in SHANK3-mutant macaques. Nature, 570, 326-331.
- Wang, H#., Li, D#., Zhai, Z#., Zhang, X., Huang, W., Chen, X., Huang, L., Liu, H., Sun, J., Zou, Z., Fan, Y., Ke, Q., Lai, X., Wang, T., Li, X., Shen, H., Xiang, A. P. *, & Li, W*. (2019). Characterization and Therapeutic Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Neuromesodermal Origin from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Theranostics, 9(6): 1683-1697.
- Li, W#., Huang, L#., Zeng, J#., Lin, W., Li, K., Sun, J., Huang, W., Chen, J., Wang, G., Ke, Q., Duan, J., Lai, X., Chen, R., Liu, M., Liu, Y., Wang, T., Yang, X., Chen, Y., Xia, H*., & Xiang, A. P*. (2018). Characterization and transplantation of enteric neural crest cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Mol Psychiatry, 23, 499-508.
- Shi, L#., Huang, L#., He, R#., Huang, W., Wang, H., Lai, X., Zou, Z., Sun, J., Ke, Q., Zheng, M., Lu, X., Pei, Z., Su, H., Xiang, A. P., Li, W*., & Yao, X*. (2018). Modeling the Pathogenesis of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1A Using Patient-Specific iPSCs. Stem Cell Reports, 10, 120-133.
- Wang, J#., Huang, Y#., Cai, J#., Ke, Q., Xiao, J., Huang, W., Li, H., Qiu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, B., Wu, H., Zhang, Y., Sui, X., Bardeesi, A. S. A., & Xiang, A. P*. (2018). A Nestin-Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5-Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Axis Regulates Neural Stem/Progenitor Cell Stemness via a Metabolic Shift. Stem Cells, 36, 589-601.
- Wang, J#., Liu, X#., Qiu, Y#., Shi, Y., Cai, J., Wang, B., Wei, X., Ke, Q., Sui, X., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Li, H., Wang, T., Lin, R., Liu, Q., & Xiang, A. P*. (2018). Cell adhesion-mediated mitochondria transfer contributes to mesenchymal stem cell-induced chemoresistance on T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 11.
- Zhang, Y#., Wang, J#., Huang, W#., Cai, J., Ba, J., Wang, Y., Ke, Q., Huang, Y., Liu, X., Qiu, Y., Lu, Q., Sui, X., Shi, Y., Wang, T., Shen, H., Guan, Y., Zhou, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, M., & Xiang, A. P*. (2018). Nuclear Nestin deficiency drives tumor senescence via lamin A/C-dependent nuclear deformation. Nat Commun, 9, 3613.
- Ke, Q#., Li, L#., Yao, X#., Lai, X., Cai, B., Chen, H., Chen, R., Zhai, Z., Huang, L., Li, K., Hu, A., Mao, F. F., Xiang, A. P., Tao, L*., & Li, W*. (2017). Enhanced generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells by ectopic expression of Connexin 45. Scientific Reports, 7, 458.
- Zhang, C#., Liao, W., Cai, B., Liu, F., Ke, Q., Zhu, X., He, X., & Hu, A*. (2017). The similarities between smDCs and regDCs in alleviating the immune injury caused by transplantation of hepatocytes differentiated from ESCs. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 8, 266.
- Wang, J#., Cai, J#., Huang, Y#., Ke, Q., Wu, B., Wang, S., Han, X., Wang, T., Wang, Y., Li, W., Lao, C., Song, W*., & Xiang, A. P*. (2016). Nestin regulates proliferation and invasion of gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells by altering mitochondrial dynamics. Oncogene, 35, 3139-3150.
- Ma, Y#., Li, J#., Wang, G#., Ke, Q#., Qiu, S., Gao, L., Wan, H., Zhou, Y., Xiang, A. P., Huang, Q., Feng, G*., Zhou, Q*., & Yang, S*. (2016). Efficient production of cynomolgus monkeys with a toolbox of enhanced assisted reproductive technologies. Scientific Reports, 6, 25888.
- Ke, Q#., Li, W#., Lai, X#., Chen, H., Huang, L., Kang, Z., Li, K., Ren, J., Lin, X., Zheng, H., Huang, W., Ma, Y., Xu, D., Chen, Z., Song, X., Lin, X., Zhuang, M., Wang, T., Zhuang, F., Xi, J., Mao, F. F., Xia, H., Lahn, B. T., Zhou, Q*., Yang, S*., & Xiang, A. P*. (2016). TALEN-based generation of a cynomolgus monkey disease model for human microcephaly. Cell Research, 26, 1048-1061.
- Li, W#., Huang, L#., Lin, W#., Ke, Q., Chen, R., Lai, X., Wang, X., Zhang, J., Jiang, M., Huang, W., Wang, T., Yang, X., Chen, Y., Song, W*., & Xiang, A. P*. (2015). Engraftable neural crest stem cells derived from cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells. Biomaterials, 39, 75-84.
- Ke, Q#., Li, L#., Cai, B#., Liu, C., Yang, Y., Gao, Y., Huang, W., Yuan, X., Wang, T., Zhang, Q., Harris, A. L., Tao, L., & Xiang, A. P*. (2013). Connexin 43 is involved in the generation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells. Human Molecular Genetics, 22, 2221-2233.
- Cheng, F#., Ke, Q#., Chen, F#., Cai, B., Gao, Y., Ye, C., Wang, D., Zhang, L., Lahn, B. T., Li, W*., & Xiang, A. P*. (2012). Protecting against wayward human induced pluripotent stem cells with a suicide gene. Biomaterials, 33, 3195-3204.
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目 82171617(2022.01-2025.12)项目负责人(1/9) 53万 题目:多能干细胞定向分化为卵泡膜细胞及其机制研究
- 广东省重点领域研发计划项目 2019B020235002(2019.01-2021.12)项目负责人 300万 题目:多能干细胞来源的间充质干细胞等在灵长类动物中的移植疗效评估
- 国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFA0801404 (2019.11-2024.10)课题骨干 300.38万/7050万 题目:基因编辑创制代谢疾病和脑认知发育疾病的猴模型及致病机制的研究
- 国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFA0107200(2018.07-2023.12)课题骨干 300万/2932万 题目:间充质干细胞亚群的功能鉴定、分离制备与疗效评估
- 广东省科技计划重大专项 2017B020231001(2017.09-2020.08)课题骨干 题目:干细胞治疗的大动物模型及基于干细胞的动物嵌合技术平台建设 100万/1000万
- 中山大学重大项目培育和新兴 、交叉学科资助计划项目 15ykjc01c(2015.10-2017.10)项目负责人 15万 题目:MCPH1基因敲除食蟹猴模型的构建及该基因对神经分化的作用
- 广东省科技计划重大专项 2014B020225007(2015.01-2017.12) 参与人 125万/500万 题目:基因敲除食蟹猴疾病模型的干细胞治疗研究
- 国自然青年科学基金项目 31301219(2014.01-2016.12)项目负责人 21万 题目:CX43 影响诱导多能干细胞形成的机制研究
- 教育部博士点基金项目 20130171120061(2014.01-2016.12)项目负责人 4万 题目:缝隙连接蛋白对诱导多能干细胞形成的影响及相关机制